Energy levels and transitions between different personas
When did you last wake up and work out what energy you had for the day ahead? If we know what energy we have, we know just how much we will be capable of and can plan what to do and what not to do.
Transitions… I wonder how many hats you put on in one day? How many personas you have? How many modes you are in? You could be mum, dad, sister, brother, friend, work colleague, manager or student, to name but a few, at any one time. But, do you transition between them well or do you crash from one into the other in the space of minutes?
If we go to work or college or to see someone and have a journey to get there, we have time to transition from home mode to whatever mode we need to be in, but what about when there isn’t a journey or time in-between? Do you plan to have time in-between different tasks or modes? Or do you just go with the flow until you are exhausted and have sensitivity overdrive?
Do you pick up the phone automatically if it rings whether you are in the mood for the conversation or person or do you think ‘I’ll call them back when I have time’?
We live in a world of speed and a feeling of ‘must do it now’ or ‘must have it now’ and with social media and mobile phones, we can tend to be a slave to them. So, next time your phone rings or a notification comes through, think about it before responding. Is it more important to concentrate on what you are doing in that moment instead?
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